
Understand your home's value

👋 Hi, I’m Nicole Yoder-Barnhart with Howard Hanna Real Estate Services. Please enjoy your free Homebot.

👋 Hi, I’m Nicole Yoder-Barnhart with Howard Hanna Real Estate Services. Please enjoy your free Homebot.

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Nicole Yoder-Barnhart


State license: #406627

614-679-3412[email protected]Website
Howard Hanna Real Estate Services

3499 Main St., Hilliard Ohio 43026

HER Realtors

3499 Main St

Hilliard, Ohio 43026

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Your Values are just an estimate & range. In order to get a more exact value. Contact me to do a complimentary value to take in consideration all your updates & amenities to your home @ [email protected]/614-679-3412 (text). Nicole Yoder-Barnhart/Howard Hanna Real Estate Services.

APR is based on a reasonably current index and margin from the Freddie Mac PMMS. This message is for information purposes only and is not an advertisement to extend customer credit as defined by Section 12 CFR 1026.2 Regulation Z. Program rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change at any time. All examples of potential mortgage products above are estimates for illustration purposes only. All programs and mortgage products are subject to borrower income, credit, and property approval. Not all borrowers will qualify. This is not an offer for extension of credit or a commitment to lend. Home valuations are estimates purchased from a third-party data provider. Actual appraised value at the time of a transaction may vary.